157 South Fork Church Road, Todd, NC / Sunday School 10 a.m. / Worship Service 11a.m.
Love God, Love Others, Live it Out


Visitation is now on Sunday afternoon at 2:30PM.  If you know of a new family in the area or someone that needs a visit, please let Rev. David Cooper or one of the deacons know.

Let’s not forget our Food for School Families items.  If you can’t bring the item of the week these other items are always needed; pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, tuna fish, kidney beans, black beans, mayonnaise, boxes of snack bars, flour and corn tortillas, soup, canned spaghetti / ravioli, canned veggies, canned meat and cereal.

If you are aware of an occasion (sickness, death, etc) that the church needs to send flowers please contact Lynda Norris.

If you want credit for your offering at the end of the year for taxes, you will need to fill out your offering envelopes- with name and where you want your money to go.  It will also be a big help to the people that count every Sunday.